Sunday, June 22, 2014

Just Say When

I could follow you
all the way
to the shadows of your fears

Spoil your heart with yes
When the stars tell you no

I'll stay with you--
Plant our feet
Just above the root of sorrow
And grow our wishes

I know where the breeze
Loves to sail

I know where the moonbeams
Sneak off to kiss

I'll hold you

until life returns
To shake off the past

However long it takes

If you wake
 in the middle of the night

I could fill your glass

Just say when

I'll pour like April
Until you shine like May


  1. very beautiful this poetry .."also the others."

    ...compliments for the blog.


    1. I am me to thank you ...your poetries they are very beautiful.

      I will follow your posts "with some comment", but ...I warn you my English it is very bad.


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