Friday, August 10, 2012


In a quiet room
 Filled with the calm of honest light
Our thoughts sang a duet over the rain
It was a few deep breaths in the night
That would heal this soul 
for infinite days to come

Risking all
the stinging, inevitable goodbyes
for the chance
to answer the what ifs and whys
for the experience of knowing
something good and extraordinarily true

So while some think us full of crazy
as they continue complicating what remains of time
by holding out for permanence
permanently pondering love in an obscure rhyme
I will hum a tune of a duet I was a part of
when harmony reigned once upon a rainy night

 I spend my hours now
with gratefulness and clarity
and I smile
at all that is beautiful and true
these things I would have never known
 if I never sang with you


  1. "permanently pondering love in an obscure rhyme"

    So very loving. Your words always speak to me personally on some level. This is no exception.


    1. I'm so glad my writing reaches you that way! That's one of the greatest compliments and I thank you for always taking time to read my poems.

  2. "these things I would have never known
    if I never sang with you"

    Love all of this. Really love that!

    1. Thank you, Beth! This one kind of flowed from my fingertips and I was surprised at how easily it did.


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